Jumpstart Medtronic 2020 FIRST Hall of Fame Virtual Chairman’s Chat
What’s New in 2021 Chairman’s Submission Questions & Definitions?
Whether or not you got a chance to catch us on #FIRST Canada Live or on Jumpstart by Medtronic Saturday, October 31st. Here’s what’s what about the 2020 changes and why the FIRST Hall of Fame made those recommendations. Click here to watch the YouTube video or just scroll down.
Who contributed?
A sub-committee of the FIRST Hall of Fame worked together with representatives from the 2019 Championship Chairman’s teams, 1816: The Green Machine and 1902: 4-H Exploding Bacon Robotics, along with 3132: Thunder Down Under and 1114 Simbotics. Then we shared our recommendations with the Hall of Fame teams and then with FIRST.
How did this come about?
In the late Spring of 2020, a committee began to review the Chairman’s Executive Summary questions and definitions to see where they could be improved. We considered the aspects of mission of FIRST and cultural change missing from the questions and definitions and what we could remove, clarify and consolidate to make room for new questions we felt would be of higher value to the judges to get a better sense of a team’s dynamic and impact in their community.
Then we shared our recommendations with FIRST HQ and later on a call with Fiona Hanlon, FIRST® Robotics Competition Program Specialist and representatives of the FIRST judges, together we reviewed the questions to even better refine the wording of the questions and definitions for the final suggestions to be presented to FIRST for consideration.
What’s New in the 13 Executive Summary Questions?
- Modified to focus on sustainability of teams vs growth.
- Ensure all FIRST pillars are represented in team efforts.
- Change time-frame of efforts from 5 years to 3 years.
- Serve as a reflection for your team.
What are the Executive Summary questions?
The Executive Summary questions are the required questions answered before the essay. They are the short answer, 500 character limited questions about your team activities in a variety of areas.
What are the Chairman’s definitions?
To help standardize Chairman’s Award judging, FIRST developed a Chairman’s Definition list for terms commonly used by teams. Teams are responsible for policing their own choice of words.
The new changes include examples provided by FIRST HQ to clarify what is and is not an accurate use of each definition to help with understanding.
What is the Essay?
The essay portion of the Chairman’s Award submission provides teams an opportunity to describe their activities and achievements in narrative form up to 10,000 characters.
Have questions? Reach out to us at FIRSTHallofFame@gmail.com