Team 1629 Garrett Coalition (GaCo)

Team 1629 Garrett Coalition (GaCo)

Team 1629 Garrett Coalition (GaCo) More than robotics… we are vision driven Garrett County’s Public High School FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) Team 1629, the Garrett Coalition or GaCo for short, is much more than about robots. Our passion and vision is for all...

FIRST Canada Live: Chairman’s Tips

FIRST Canada Live: Chairman’s Tips We’re Excited about the New Questions & Definitions Did you miss the Tuesday, January 25th episode of  #FIRSTCanadaLIVE!, or maybe you wanted to rewatch it to hear what the FIRST Hall of Fame team...

2021 Chairman’s Award Winners

2021 Chairman’s Award Winners Congratulations to the 2021 FIRST Robotics Competition CCA, Finalist, RCA and District Chairman’s Award Winners! ! We mean this sincerely, since we understand and appreciate the time, effort, and resources that are required to earn...
Team 503 Frog Force

Team 503 Frog Force

Team 503 Frog Force Team 503, Frog Force, from Novi, Michigan, was honored to win the 2021 Championship Chairman’s Award at the Detroit championship.  Despite the difficulties of the COVID-19 pandemic, they adapted old ways, and invented new ways, of connecting to...